[텍스트: 윌리 장관] “American and South Korean troops fought side-by-side against a determined foe in punishing elements. And in the end, more than 36,000 Americans would give their lives, and more than 100,000 would be wounded.”
그러면서 이 날은 자유가 공짜가 아니라는 것을 상기시켜주는 날이라며, 그 대가를 한반도에서 자유를 보존하기 위해 희생된 목숨으로 측정할 수 있지만, 또한 “우리가 한국과 맺어온 유대가 전쟁으로 맺어진 뒤 70년 동안 여전히 강력하다는 점도 상기시켜 준다”고 덧붙였습니다.
[텍스트: 윌리 장관] “This day is a reminder that freedom is not free—it’s cost can be measured in the lives that were lost to preserve it on the Korean Peninsula. But it is also a reminder that the bond we formed with South Korea remains strong 70 years after it was forged in fire.”
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